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SPARTAN Family News

Lincoln East High School

February, 2025

Important Links

East Website Counseling Athletics and Activities Bell Schedule

Free/Reduced Lunch LPS Website ParentVUE MySchoolBucks


Good Morning East families,

Second semester is off and running, and I know our teachers are enjoying getting to know their new students.

Please make sure to review the upcoming dates. There are a couple days that will impact your student’s school

schedule. If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to call us at (402) 436-1302. Thank you for all that you

do to support your students!


Casey Fries, Principal

Upcoming Dates

● February 1st - Spartan Spectacular- Show Choir Invitational

● February 6th - Quarter 3 Parent Teacher Conferences

○ Enter through door 1

○ Outreach 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

○ In-person conferences 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

● February 17th - No School

● February 18th - District Professional Learning Day - No School for Students

● February 21st - Early Dismissal at 1:00p.m. - See Schedule Below

Early Dismissal - February 21st

We will have an early dismissal on February 21st for a Speech Tournament. (Bell schedule below)

Period Time

Period 1 8:00-8:30 am

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Period 2 8:35-9:05 am

Period 3 9:10-9:41 am

Period 7 9:46-10:16 am

Period 4 10:21-10:59 am

Period 5 11:04-11:42 am

Period 6 11:47-12:25 pm

Period 8 12:30-1:00 pm

Nominations for 2025 Thank You Teacher

Please take time today to nominate your favorite teacher for the annual Lincoln Public Schools Thank You Teacher


In honor of Nebraska Teacher Recognition Day – Tuesday, March 4, 2025 – Lincoln Public Schools, the Foundation for

LPS, Lincoln Education Association and KFOR/KFRX Radio are again collaborating to thank our educators with the

annual Thank You Teacher contest.

Anyone who lives in Lincoln/Lancaster County can nominate a teacher in any of five categories: preschool–grade 2,

grades 3–5, middle school, high school and retired. In addition to a written description explaining why a teacher made

a difference in your life.

Five teachers will be chosen and honored on March 4 with a special ceremony at the Governor’s Mansion.

Click here to nominate your favorite teacher today!

Beginning of the Spring Sports Season

All students interested in going out for a Spring Sport must have the online participation packet complete by the first

day of the season - Monday, March 3, 2025. The parent and student will complete the consent and the physical will be

uploaded online: Contact the athletics/activities office with any questions.

Senior Baby Ads - One Last Reminder

Each year, the yearbook staff reserves space for Baby Ads in the yearbook. This space is used as a way for parents and

guardians to send off their seniors with a note of encouragement and wisdom as they enter life after high school. This

year we’ve decided to provide various options for baby ad sizes. The 1⁄8 page ads will be sold for $50. But this year

we’re also including 1⁄4 page ads ($100), 1⁄2 page ads ($180), and a full 1 page ad ($300) to dedicate a message to your

seniors. The larger the ads, the more pictures you are able to include. These ads will be designed by our yearbook staff.

The deadline for Baby Ads is February 1st, 2025. Everything is done electronically at Type in

Lincoln East, and then follow the directions. While the website is pretty self-explanatory, more detailed instructions

can be found at this link.

If you have questions, please send an email to Elle Barts at Thanks!

Getting Help

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There are times where we all need help. Here are some ways that any student can receive help at Lincoln East High


1) Communicate with your teacher to schedule a help session before or after school.

2) Utilize the Learning Hubs during lunch. EVERY department has a hub location. This is a great way to get help

during the school day.

3) Academic Hour after school from 3:15p.m. - 4:15p.m.

a) Math Support - Room 104 on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

b) All Other Subjects - Media Center on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Important FAFSA information for Seniors

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is open! The FAFSA is now a requirement. A new Nebraska law

states that each public high school student shall complete or opt out of filing the FAFSA form before graduating high

school beginning in the 2024-25 school year. To find out more about the FAFSA and get started on yours today, stop by

your school counseling office or visit the LPS FAFSA page!

East Athletics and Activities

Spring Sports begin Monday, March 3rd! Be sure to have your participation packet filled out and your physical

submitted at

Come cheer on your Spartans!

● View ticket prices, pre-purchase event tickets and season passes on-line Athletic Ticket Information

● Follow East Athletics and Activities on Twitter @EastSpartans

● Sign up for the “Notify Me” service on our Athletics & Activities Calendar

● Spartan Rosters

● Digital Trophy Case / Archives

Eligibility for NSAA sanctioned Activities and Athletics:

● Students must be enrolled in 20 credit hours the current semester

● Students must have passed 20 credit hours the previous semester

Library News

Digital Resources available at home:

Did you know many of our fantastic library resources are accessible from home? Students can use these tools to

research and gather information for their assignments, making it easier to complete their work wherever they are.

Follow these directions to get the login information to use these resources at home:

● Begin at

● Enter your student’s ID and password (If you don’t have this information, the school office can provide it for


● Select “Library Website” from the alphabetical listing in the portal.

● Click on “Home Access” to open a Google Doc with login instructions.

Digital Citizenship Tips

At LPS we teach students that terms of service agreements are important and have real-world implications.

Topics for a family discussion might include:

● What are terms of service agreements? (Rules you must follow when using an app or digital tool.)

● Why should you be aware of terms of service agreements? What are the consequences of using apps not

intended for students your age? (Many terms of service agreements include age requirements for the app

or digital tool. If you use a tool that you are not old enough to use, your account may be canceled, your